Opening Hours
Lucy is currently available for bookings on days and times below.
Monday - Wednesday 7pm to 9pm (Wickham Rd)
Thursday 9am - 1pm
(@ &Osteo on Brockley Rd)
Friday 3pm - 7.30pm
(@ &Osteo on Brockley Rd)
Saturday 9am - 12pm (Wickham Rd)
Sundays 9am to 12pm twice a month
(@ &Osteo on Brockley Rd)
Please contact me to book a session at Wickham Rd by telephone or email, or use my contact form.
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Reflexology, a technique that applies pressure to your feet to bring about a deep relaxation
1 hr
65 British pounds 1 hr 30 min
95 British pounds1 hr
65 British pounds30 min
40 British pounds1 hr
65 British pounds1 hr
70 British pounds
Accepted Payment Methods
Please pay in advance your treatment by bank transfer/online banking/Paypal, I will send you my bank account/Paypal details at time of booking. I can also take cash payments when you arrive for your session if requested. Please read my cancellation policy underneath the treatment information.